2025 Catfish Chasers Elite Rules

  1. All federal and state regulations must be followed.
  2. Teams can consist of up to 3 persons.
  3. You may have one alternate team member in an event in regards to the points race.
  4. PFD must be worn at take off.
  5. Pre fishing must end 12 hrs. prior to the start of the event. Bait catching will be allowed
  6. We will send boats in groups of 10 at takeoff in the order or registration. Groups will be approximately 20 seconds apart.
  7. Trailering will be allowed if possible and allowed by law. Trailers will be released in the same groups as registration numbers the same as if you were on the water.
  8. All fishing must be done from a boat.
  9. Any legal bait may be used.
  10. 3 rod maximum per fisherman (with appropriate permit) with a max of 6 rods total may be in the water at any given time. Unless state law dictates less. More rods may be in the boat.
  11. Rod and Reel only. No set lines are permitted. No snagged fish will be allowed. No shocking devices are allowed.
  12. No chumming or fishing known chummed holes will be allowed.
  13. Livewell checks will take place prior to launch.
  14. Livewell must be adequate size for the fisheries fish health
  15. 5 fish limit, Blue Catfish, Channel Catfish, or flatheads of legal size will be allowed.
  16. No more than 5 fish can be in your livewell once you boat leaves the water.
  17. All fish must be alive and have the ability to swim free on there own power. Any dead or obviously dying fish will result in disqualification.
  18. NO STRINGERS or BASKETS will be allowed.
  19. 50 yards distance between event boats is required.
  20. No fishing allowed within 50 Yds of any marina, fuel pumps or public launch ramp.
  21. You must use all lights required by law when they are required to be used throughout any event.
  22. Tournament hours — Day event 7AM -4PM Night events 7PM – 8AM
  23. Check in chips must be on the chip board prior to the end of the event. No weight will be recorded for late arrivals.
  24. No sharing information with other competitors via phones or social media.
  25. Unsportsmanlike activities will not be tolerated.
  26. Any disputes must be presented in writing to the tournament director 30 min prior to weigh-in. All decisions made by the tournament directors are final.
  27. All competitors are subject to polygraph examination at the discretion of the tournament directors. Refusal or failure of a requested polygraph test will result in forfeiture of any and all winnings for that event.
  28. Events will be limited to 51 teams.
  29. Total weight ties will be broken using the big fish weight.
    Big fish ties will be broken with total weight.
    If ties still exist a coin flip will determine higher finish.
  30. NO REFUNDS will be given except in extreme situations and determined by the tournament directors.
    If there is a waiting list for an event we can replace your team with paid entry. Then return of your entry fees with be permitted.
  31. Select events may require a mandatory pre-tournament meeting to fulfill sponsorship obligations.

    **Prize fund will be prorated accordingly with anything less than 51 teams. **